Friday, December 04, 2009

Breaking News! British Government backs NHS Homeopathy!

Dec 1, 2009: A wonderful day for British Homeopathy

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Here follow the immortal words of Health Minister, Mike O’Brien: ‘We take the view that it is not our job to stop clinicians prescribing these medications if they feel they are appropriate.’ See more here. Striking a blow for liberty worthy of John Stuart Mill, the Honorable Minister went on to say that cutting the (NHS) funding would be “illiberal” and “a denial of personal choice”. He also said there were a range of opinions amongst clinicians and scientists which could not be ignored.

This was after being grilled by the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee which comprised many people less than friendly to homeopathy. such as Edzard Ernst, Ben Goldacre and Tracey Brown all of whom lambasted homeopathy in the hearing. But the Health minister hinted at the essential point: NHS homepathy is practised by trained doctors who have to take responsibility for what they do. That is the headline and the bottom line and the middle line and all the other lines in between. Mike O’Brien knew it and had the guts to say it in the face of massive negative publicity in the media. Bravo Minister!

This is a wonderful, frabjous day for homeopathy, medicine and freedom. The Jabberwock of opposition to NHS homeopathy has yet to be slain that’s for sure, but make no mistake about it, dear reader, this is a BIG day for homeopathy and I’ll be chortling for the rest of today that’s for sure!

Evidence Check: Homeopathy
Professor Jayne Lawrence, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Robert Wilson, British Association of Homeopathic Manufacturers, Paul Bennett, Boots, Tracey Brown, Sense About Science, and Dr Ben Goldacre, The Guardian
Dr Peter Fisher, Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, Professor Edzard Ernst, Complementary Medicine Group, Peninsula Medical School, Dr James Thallon, NHS West Kent, and Dr Robert Mathie, British Homeopathic Association

The Commons Science and Technology Committee holds the first evidence session of its inquiry into how the government uses evidence to formulate its policy on homeopathy

The whole proceedings are available on . The links are given below :



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